The centralized conveyor uses a system to transport chips from more than one machine to a single collection centre. Opting for a centralized conveyor system allows easy handling and transportation of chips from machine tools to a single collection centre. Thanks to its automated feature, the centralized conveyor can run continuously without any supervision, allowing manufacturing operators to focus on the core-production of the company.

This is a convenient system that would help save shop floor space. This conveyor can be set up anywhere inside or outside the shop, providing options for easy and efficient scrap management.


  • Easy and systematic scrap management
  • Low maintenance and no supervision required
  • Cleaner shop
  • Viable option for large facilities
  • Different material chips (cast iron, aluminium, steel) can be processed


  • Most applications listed on the conveyor type applies to centralized system, as they are mainly used to handle chips generated from a group of machines.